NASA is walking in the footprints of dinosaurs

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“One small step for man. One giant… huh… dinosaAAAAAAUUUUGGG!” [Chomp!]

Dinosaur footprints have been found at the grounds of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This combines my love for space exploration and dinosaurs in one convenient degree of separation. Then I stumbled upon this…
The Dinosaurs didn't go extinct. They advanced beyond needing to stay on Earth. If only we were as bold... wait, we might run into them. And they might be hungry. Prepare Earth's defenses!

Tyrannosaurus Astronaut by Piya Wannachaiwong. [Found here:]

This person, Piya Wannachaiwong, is a great artist. Check them out at

Which leads me to to fabulous future conclusion that never was… The Dinosaurs didn’t go extinct. They advanced beyond needing to stay on Earth and left before the great asteroid impact. If only we were as bold. Wait! We might run into them. And they might be hungry. Prepare Earth’s defenses! This might be the one thing to unite humanity – the threat of space traversing dinosaurs.

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