Author Archives: Paul Carter

The Lack of Trust is Killing Us

The Lack of Trust is Killing Us

Hear ye! Hear ye! Send in your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to find out if your privacy has been illegally pried into by the government.

HINT: It has. You don’t need to wait around for years to get an official statement.

(There is actually a kickstarter for a project to help streamline FOIA requests for journalists. I’m sure it can be used by every citizen as well.

If you care about this, voice your opinion. They’re listening. And they need to know some things.

I personally don’t have any illusions to privacy in our digital age. And I’m sure there would be less outrage if we were actually told truthfully what was going on and the reasons why. We don’t really get mad at a lack of privacy, we get made when we feel like other’s have made the decision on our behave of what we consider privacy. Facebook has felt the wrath many a time for choosing how the illusion of privacy should be presented.

We don’t nor have we ever really lived in a private world. (“Private World,” coming to a XXX theater near you!) BUT I’m completely against the lies and general lack of adherence to laws put into place to supposedly protect us. Especially when those violators are doing much more than they officially state. It feels utterly wrong as a society to allow those in power to have their way with our information, trade it for more power and influence and all the while tell us “move along, nothing to see here.” They treat us like misbehaving kids before we even have a chance to behave.

If the whole purpose of a government is to protect us and do what is right, what’s the point when they lose their focus and start treating it’s citizens as suspect. There’s a weird psychology to it that can easily turn into a self fulfilling prophecy. Don’t kids hate it when parents wrongfully suspect them of doing wrong? Then what do the kids think, “well, if they already think I’m messing up, might as well be blamed correctly. What do I have to lose?” (“This crack ain’t gonna smoke itself.”) Then they start doing the things the parents initially and wrongfully blamed them for.

What it comes down to is a lack of trust. That is really what is causing the outrage to this whole episode in our nation, society and world. Simon Sinek has several great talks on the crucial importance of trust to build healthy relationships. I really hope the governments of the world listen in to these important incites. And you as well. Gotta start with yourself. Be a shining example.

Without trust you start to not care what happens. Or rather you start to despise the other person and go out of your way to spite them. And that is a recipe for disaster. Sadly, we are learning time and time again, we can’t trust the government because they don’t think we can be trusted. I hate to see when the citizens wrongfully start to prove them right.

Simon Sinek: Love Your Work (Optimist)

TEDxSanDiego – Simon Sinek – Restoring the Human in Humanity

TEDxMaastricht – Simon Sinek – “First why and then trust”

(Title image saved from the FOIA Kickstarter Campaign Project Update #5 email. Hope that’s cool fellas. Figured I’d use your image to help promote your work.)

Oh, the Things You’ll Make and Do

Oh, the Things You’ll Make and Do

… right before we can gain hindsight It’s amazing how many household products of the ancient and recent past were used without a second thought and ended up being extremely harmful: asbestos, cigarettes for asthma, mercury in tooth fillings, DDT, over the counter opium for babies. (Go ahead click that previous link. Be culturally mindContinue Reading

Language is the Resolution to Our World

Learning is an act of communication. First within ourselves and then to others. It happens when we experience something new, take it in, and try to explain what just happened. That’s why it’s said that once you’re able to teach something you truly understand it as opposed to just regurgitating talking points. Often times ourContinue Reading

Seeds of Singularity Societies

Seeds of Singularity Societies

(Rough draft of an idea I had to get down before I forgot. And need a post on the subject to test my new website design.) The privatization of space can cause smaller societies that break away and implement their own will on those “willing” to travel with them. Their will can consist of whenContinue Reading

The Genius of Children Containment Systems

School is great. Well, school was great. We were able to trick millions of potential threats to society to stay indoors for most of the day. Hell, most of the week! But not only that, to do it together in one convenient location! Greatly reducing the contaminant of their ill conceived know-it-all attitudes. To festerContinue Reading

Consolidating the Alphabet

The English language has this notoriety for being difficult. I believe some of the hassle of learning the language can be removed by removing letters from the alphabet that are redundant and useless. (To be continued…)

“Housewives! Save waste fat for explosives!” Posters – Retronaut“Housewives! Save waste fat for explosives!” Posters

Healthy Heaping Dose of Cultural Perspective To those who say, "the nuclear attacks on Japanese civilian cities was justified because EVERYONE in the country was in on the fight." The flip-side of the coin. So were we. #war   #history   #culturalperspectives   #culture   #perspectivechangeseverything

Library of Congress pulls diaries, letters from those who experienced Civil War for exhibit

Can't believe it took them this long to release archives in order to gain a more personal account of the US Civil War. Library of Congress pulls diaries, letters from those who experienced Civil War for exhibit #war #history WASHINGTON — Letters and diaries from those who lived through the Civil War offer aContinue Reading

Entry to Video Contest: The Past Re-imagined as the Future – “Make Space, Not War”

After several weeks of planning and tossing around a handful of ideas, 2 weeks of dedicated work on combining two ideas into one new idea, and a grueling 3 day edit fest, I have completed my video remix for the Free Music Archive and Prelinger Archives hosted video contest “Sound for the Moving Image : The PastContinue Reading

Moon Landing Play by Play

I found the script for the first Moon landing. Did I say script? I meant interactive play by play. You can act it out in real time. (Just as they did! 😛 I kid. I kid.)