Category Archives: Hypothesaurus

An analysis of the human condition from the minds of the greatest dinosaurs whom ever lived.

The Genius of Children Containment Systems

School is great. Well, school was great. We were able to trick millions of potential threats to society to stay indoors for most of the day. Hell, most of the week! But not only that, to do it together in one convenient location! Greatly reducing the contaminant of their ill conceived know-it-all attitudes. To fester in their own putrid tribal, worst of humankind, lifestyle. (Shout out to Patton Oswalt interview on movie “Young Adult.”) One of the best thought ideas of it was to appoint strangers to tell them when they were wrong! Which was fuckin’ often. Genius! (Heroes, those teachers. They had to put up with all that abuse.)

Those were the good old days. Here’s where it went wrong. And it’s not just one thing. Get comfortable. (To be continued…)

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