Category Archives: The Approaching Singularity

The future technological advanced civilization is fast approaching. Will you be ready to pop up on your motherboards and ride the wave?

Seeds of Singularity Societies

Seeds of Singularity Societies

(Rough draft of an idea I had to get down before I forgot. And need a post on the subject to test my new website design.)
The privatization of space can cause smaller societies that break away and implement their own will on those “willing” to travel with them. Their will can consist of when and what people will do to their bodies in order to be better workers and members of their off shoot of society. These branches of Earth culture may reach the singularity sooner do to the lack of societal rejections due to their ability to not allow those people, those people wouldn’t want to become members, and those wanting to become either have no other options or know and are willing to meet their future.
(To be continued…)

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