Tag Archives: Space

Seeds of Singularity Societies

Seeds of Singularity Societies

(Rough draft of an idea I had to get down before I forgot. And need a post on the subject to test my new website design.)
The privatization of space can cause smaller societies that break away and implement their own will on those “willing” to travel with them. Their will can consist of when and what people will do to their bodies in order to be better workers and members of their off shoot of society. These branches of Earth culture may reach the singularity sooner do to the lack of societal rejections due to their ability to not allow those people, those people wouldn’t want to become members, and those wanting to become either have no other options or know and are willing to meet their future.
(To be continued…)

Entry to Video Contest: The Past Re-imagined as the Future – “Make Space, Not War”

After several weeks of planning and tossing around a handful of ideas, 2 weeks of dedicated work on combining two ideas into one new idea, and a grueling 3 day edit fest, I have completed my video remix for the Free Music Archive and Prelinger Archives hosted video contest “Sound for the Moving Image : The PastContinue Reading

Stumbling through Space History

I just learned a very insightful piece of historical information – the Soviets beat the USA into space due to their lack of technology. What? Yes. They were building massively huge Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) in order to launch their awkwardly large and unsophisticated nuclear arsenal. The US was streamlining the tech. Going for quality and accuracy over quantityContinue Reading

NASA Conspiracy – Space Cats!

This is the reason Dinosaurs went to Space… the tasty cats.  

NASA is walking in the footprints of dinosaurs

“One small step for man. One giant… huh… dinosaAAAAAAUUUUGGG!” [Chomp!] Dinosaur footprints have been found at the grounds of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This combines my love for space exploration and dinosaurs in one convenient degree of separation. Then I stumbled upon this… This person, Piya Wannachaiwong, is a great artist. Check them out at http://piyastudios.blogspot.com/. WhichContinue Reading

What causes your mind to ride a wave of awe?

My love of Space has been one of the few constant passions in my life. I, for whatever reason, let it take a back seat for what feels like a decade and focused on Earthly fascinations; trying to bag dirty pirate hookers. But like an unstoppable cosmic ray birthed from a quasar hitting me squareContinue Reading